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EU Teach PaaS Project

Pan-EU network of digital passport centres in higher education
EU-TeachPaaS aims to develop a pan-EU network of 6 digital education certification centres (IO1) in higher education that will provide training and certification for university lecturers (IO3), administrators (IO4) and students (IO2) operating in online learning by specialising DigCompEdu competences and global innovations for local needs.EU-TeachPaaS foresees a strong link between building the digital skills of three main actors (university lecturers, university administrators and students) and the improvement of EU's digital readiness towards inclusive and high quality online education delivery.
ACEEU's Role: Supporting dissemination and IO development
ACEEU will lead IO4 (Toolkit for boosting the capacity of university units/departments in charge of quality assurance, learning and new course development to foster digital education delivery. Furthermore, ACEEU will be in charge of dissemination activities.
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Aventia Wilona-Jülich

Manager, Operations Strategy and Excellence

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A snapshot of the project

Project information

Project period
01 Mar 2021 to 31 Aug 2022
Funding body & program
Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships, European Commission
7 Partners (see partner information below)
Educational level focus
Higher education
Target group focus
EDU administrative staff,
Output focus
Certification development,
Regional development,
Skills / mindset development,
Tool development
Topic focus
Discipline focus
Social Sciences
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Project updates

ACEEU organized an online digital challenge as the multiplier event for EU-TeachPaaS!
ACEEU and the EU-TeachPaaS consortium proudly announce the completion of the project by organizing a one-day innovation challenge as a strategy to dis [...]
ACEEU is going to organize an online digital challenge in August!
ACEEU and the EU-TeachPaaS project invite university students, entrepreneurs, educators, and university staff to join a one-day Digital Education Chal [...]
EU-TeachPaaS Digital Certifications: Advance your skills and get certified in online education design and delivery!
According to eLearning Statistics, since 2020, 98% of universities moved classes online; eLearning can help students to retain between 25% and 60% mor [...]
EU-TeachPaaS Final (First Face-to-Face) Transnational Project Meeting in Madrid!
Madrid, Spain ACEEU is delighted to announce that EU-Teach PaaS partners have finally met face to face in Madrid! The first Transnational Project [...]
Wrapping up old tasks and starting new ones with EU-TeachPaaS
Earlier today, the EU-TeachPaaS partners met for a coordination meeting to assess the progress achieved so far and map out the next steps. The partner [...]
Moving forward with EU-TeachPaaS
ACEEU and its partners discussed their first deliverables, as well as the upcoming workload during the first virtual coordination meeting for the EU-T [...]
Next steps for EU-TeachPaaS
Today, ACEEU and its project partners held a short online meeting focused on the status updates of some of the early project activities. The discussio [...]
EU-TeachPaaS new visual identity and website launched
ACEEU and its EU-Teach PaaS project partners are excited to announce that the project has received a new logo and enhanced its online presence. All [...]
Kicking off the EU-TeachPaaS
Together with its project partners, ACEEU is excited to announce the launch of the EU-TeachPaaS project. It was officially kicked off today during [...]
Stronger together

Project partners

This project is funded by

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