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05. September 2020

ACEEU extends it commitment to promote sustainability in higher education

Through a variety of new projects and activities, ACEEU is growing its engagement in advancing sustainability in higher education. With entrepreneurship and engagement being the central vehicles to achieve sustainability impacts, ACEEU works together with its European and non-European partners to drive social, economic and environmental change.

Example projects include DECODE Sustainability, a project in which ACEEU will build a European Deans Council for designing sustainability impact roadmaps, Circular Loops, a project that will design an educational program that supports circular economy principles in social enterprises, and CSRin40, a project that aims at connecting Corporate Social Responsibility and Industry 4.0 in order to create a more sustainable industry and society.

“Sustainability is not only a buzz word. It is a central challenge society is facing. Higher education institutions, but also organizations such as ACEEU, have a special responsibility and capability to address this challenge. Thus, we are increasing our commitment in this area“, states Professor Thorsten Kliewe, Chair of ACEEU.