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20. April 2023

Building system-level third mission capacities

ACEEU contributes to building system-level third mission capacities in the Ukrainian higher education landscape, this time through the UNICOM project (Universities-Communities: Strengthening Cooperation). The final aim of the project is to embed third mission into national policies and guide the interplay between practice, theory and policy, with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine being one of the beneficiaries. We also see and contribute to understanding the diversity and variousness of activities lumped under 'third mission', that are shaped by the specifics of each context.

The stakeholders meet for a 4-day event where they meet to discuss various modalities of third mission, as well as good practices and how they can be replicated. The partners meet on the premises of historic University of Genoa in Genoa, Italy in April 11-15, 2023.

The third mission of universities, often referred to as the "third role" or "third function," goes beyond traditional teaching and research activities. It encompasses various ways in which universities engage with society and contribute to the public good. While the first and second missions of universities are typically focused on education and research, respectively, the third mission emphasizes the broader societal impact and knowledge transfer.

ACEEU is very proud to be part of shaping the future of Ukrainian universities by making it more entrepreneurial and engaged.

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